My Mission
It’s always the economy. It’s always been about the economy! In the 1980’s, government spending represented between 12%-13% of our economy. Today, it’s +30%! As our media consistently tells us, our economy is strong, remember this, where does a government-based economy come from? Taxes!
Taxation without representation is Theft!
When I take office, my mission will be to ensure all parties, yes, ALL PARTIES, put forth government programs that benefit ALL taxpayers, not just a select few. I will make sure all Property Appraisals are applied fairly & equally! The appraisal inevitably dictates the tax.
As a constitutional position, the role of Property Appraiser is limited in what they can and cannot do. The area of opportunity I see is to structure how we appraise a property fairly & equitably.
The current office appraises property with three methodologies;
Market - Current Market value (January 1st of each year)
Cost - The cost to rebuild or change the property
Income - The actual or “potential” income the property delivers
There is no priority to this method. It is solely up to the Property Appraiser and or his team. I will ensure that my office establishes a strict criteria, known to the public, the Priority we will follow. I will not arbitrarily choose what works for the County, when the county or the individual property owner could benefit from a higher/lower tax rate. I will work with the County Commissioners and the State Legislators to ensure the laws emulate those priorities. This will enable all parties to always use the same methodology with no second guessing.